Thursday, June 4, 2020

Cold Damage to Wheat and Barley Fields

I am receiving numerous reports of wheat and barley fields that were severely injured by cold temperatures.  The symptoms are completely or mostly blank/absent kernels on entire heads.  What I had seen prior to this week manifested as a few missing kernels on the head, or scattered white heads that were obvious freeze injury.  These newly symptomatic fields either seem normal or just slightly ‘off’ from the road but on investigation many heads are just absent kernels.  In some cases, the stems are beginning to turn brown and die.  At this point I think this is in a few local areas and not widespread.  It was obviously a combination of low temps and particular fields that were at a very susceptible stage. 
i encourage you to reach out to your small grain growers and have them assess fields.  Any damage is much less near edges, roads or lanes, so scout well out into fields.  Those with severe damage should contact their crop insurance adjuster ASAP to assess the yield potential in the field.

Wade Thomason
Professor/Grains Specialist
Virginia Tech

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