Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Making Money with Sheep Means Improving Certain Traits

People from all over the country raise sheep for a variety of reasons.  Here in Virginia we have several different active segments of the sheep industry which comprise a variety of breeds or crosses in a wide ranging set of management protocols and systems.  Each enterprise may function in different role or have a different role, however we all strive to be efficient and economical.  
Improving the flock
Every flock owner strives to make a better or new and improved lamb.  In order to select replacement animals in an objective manner and make "progress" or improvement, there must be at least minimal performance records for the flock. Selection should then based on estimated genetic merit of each individual, performance records and in many cases phenotypic traits are used to estimate the genetic merit (Remember that preferred phenotypic traits may vary greatly from one producer to the other).
Let’s start with the most important issue right off the top.  Record keeping!  It can be the most important task on the farm.  It doesn’t have to be extremely difficult and can help you determine if the flock is actually making you money or just a expensive, time consuming hobby!  Records can be kept in a little red or black book as many sheepmen do, or you can go modern and hook computerized systems right to the chute or in the barn.  It doesn’t really matter how you obtain the data, it only matters that you collect the data.
A performance record is any recorded observation or measurement of a specific trait for an individual or a group. Average daily gain, wool weight and mature body size are all examples of traits that can be measured. If you able to use ultrasound or are retaining ownership or can get the data collected loin eye area, fat thickness and flank streaking may be important to you.  There are an infinite number of traits that could be measured - the traits that should be measured are those that are economically important, directly affect the profitability of your operation, and are heritable.
The main objective of collecting performance records is to determine the:
  • genetic merit of each individual animal, and
  • performance of the breeding flock in your farming operation.
This information allows you to determine where, from a genetic and management standpoint, improvements can be made.
All animals in the flock must be uniquely identified. Record sex, birth date, breed, contemporary group, sire and dam for each animal, along with the measurement or observation of the trait to make up the performance record. Since selection and management decisions will be made based on the performance records, the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of all records is essential to achieve improvement in the flock.
The phenotype or the expression of a trait as observed in an animal that is measured is made up of two factors -- environment and genetics. This is often expressed as P = G + E (phenotype = genetics + environment). The purpose of a performance-testing program is to identify animals that possess the genetics for a particular trait. To accomplish this, animals of a similar age are "tested" in the same environment and any differences in performance.
Your selection program should concentrate on genetics, which equals phenotype minus environmental effects (G = P - E). Therefore, you measure the phenotype, but you need to be able to subtract the environmental effects. Many times this is done by making all the animals the same, like raising them all in a barn and subjected to similar stresses and creating a contemporary group.
Contemporary Group
A contemporary group is a group of animals raised in exactly the same environment, with exactly the same management or as close to this as is practical. The phenotype or the expression of a trait is made up of environment and genetics. The environment includes such things as:
  • number of lambs being raised by a ewe
  • the weather
  • feed availability
  • ability of ewe to produce milk
  • competition for creep feed
  • incidence of disease
  • season of the year, i.e. temperature
Stressors like varying temperature and weather conditions can have a large influence on traits like feed efficiency and growth rate. The location of the barn an animal is raised in can make a difference. For example, ventilation, lighting, and animal density are factors that can affect performance.
As you can tell, It is almost impossible to make the environment for even just three or four lambs exactly the same. Even with twins, the ewe may milk better in one half or it may simply favor one lamb over the other. It is important to make the environment as uniform as possible in order to evaluate a trait accurately. A uniform environment necessitates a small age range, as animals of different ages encounter different environments.
The size of the contemporary group also affects accuracy and the group needs to be as large as possible while maintaining a uniform environment. A group composed of a large number of lambs from several sires and within a small age range gives the most accurate estimate of genetic merit.
Testing the whole Flock Is Important
It is important when developing a selection program to test or measure all animals in the flock. This ensures a larger contemporary group and provides as much information as possible on all animals in the flock, thereby increasing the accuracy of the estimates of genetic merit in individuals and to measure flock performance. Complete flock testing is also the only way to determine what, on average, is happening in your operation.
Performance Traits to Measure
Performance information is normally collected in three general areas: ewe productivity, lamb growth and carcass merit.
Performance Traits
Ewe Productivity
  • Prolificacy
  • Lambing interval
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy rate
  • Pre-weaning gain
  • Post-weaning gain
  • Backfat thickness
  • Loin eye area
  • Lean meat yield
Improving Economically Important Traits
Growth Rate
Consumer preference for heavier lambs has created considerable change within the sheep industry to increase size and weight and lambs that are heavily muscled can retain acceptable yield grades. Lambs that grow rapidly reach market weights at younger ages, which require a shorter feeding period and have less risk of death loss with improved feed efficiency.
Growth rate is easy to measure. Many producers with commercial flocks weigh lambs at weaning. A ewe's milk production greatly influences her lamb's weaning weight, but lamb weaning weight is still a valuable trait to select for because the maternal trait of producing more milk can be transmitted to replacement ewe lambs.
The heritability of growth rate is higher for post-weaning weights. Producers who use performance testing programs select ram lambs after they have been weaned and place them on a uniform feeding test for approximately 90-120-140 days.
Weights at birth are important to maintain a relatively low birth weight to minimize dystocia and lamb mortality.
If weaning weight is selected for, correct the weight for age, sex, type of birth, type of rearing, and age of the dam. Use the adjustment factors in table 2. Table 2. Factors for adjusting lamb weights for age. Multiply 90-, 120-, or 140-day weight by the appropriate factor.
Age of Dam
3 to 6 years
2 years, or 6+ years
1 year
Ewe lamb
Twin, raised as twin
Twin, raised as single
Triplet, raised as triplet
Triplet, raised as twin
Triplet, raised as single
Wether lamb
Twin, raised as twin
Twin, raised as single
Triplet, raised as triplet
Triplet, raised as twin
Triplet, raised as single
Ram lamb
Twin, raised as twin
Twin, raised as single
Triplet, raised as triplet
Triplet, raised as twin
Triplet, raised as single

Example: To find the adjusted 120-day weight of a ram lamb born and reared as a twin from a 2-year-old ewe that weighed 90 pounds at 110 days of age, make the following calculations: 90 pounds at 110 days of age = .82 pounds x 120 = 98 pounds x 1.26 (adjustment factor) = 124 pounds The adjusted 120-day weight of the lamb would be 124 pounds.
Note: If a lamb is born a single but raised as a twin, adjust it as a twin-born, twin-raised lamb. Source: Sheep Production Handbook. 1996. American Sheep Industry Association, Inc., Production, Education, and Research Council.
When selecting individual animals within a flock, simply select within sex and within twin and single groups. By listing twins and singles separately and selecting within contemporary groups, type of birth is adjusted for automatically. Twins should be given preference in selection.
Reproductive Efficiency. 
Sheep can have for multiple births, especially in smaller flocks. Therefore, select twins for replacements when possible. With appropriate shepherding, mortality of twins should not be much higher than that of singles.
Measures of reproductive efficiency include age at puberty, fertility, lambing rate, heat tolerance, and length of breeding season. Reproduction in sheep is strongly influenced by environment. Although the heritability of reproductive rate is low, some breed differences exist. Fine-wool breeds or old genetic Dorset’s are highly fertile and have been used quite successfully in F1 or F2 crossbreeding programs to improve reproductive rate.  If you need a real boost to your reproductive efficiency you may consider adding some Finn or Barbados Blackbelly to the mix.
Lambing Interval
Increasing the frequency of lambing or getting a higher number of total lambs per ewe can impact overall profitability. Fine-wool breeds, Dorset, and fine-wool crossbred ewes have been used successfully in accelerated lambing programs. Many producers try to maintain a high productive level within a flock, cull ewes that fail to lamb.
Carcass Merit. 
Most of the measurable carcass traits are medium to highly heritable, thus it is possible to improve carcass traits through selection. It is more difficult than selecting traits that can be measured accurately on the live animal.  That is where the slaughter and direct marketing a few or ultra-sounding a group can tell you your progress.
Among market lambs of the same size, carcass merit is most influenced by cutability (the ratio of lean meat to fat). Fat is the primary factor in evaluating the carcass yield grade (measure of cutability) and eventual value to the consumer. The amount of fat in the carcass at a given weight is closely related to the growth curve of the lamb. Lambs that grow rapidly and reach market weight at an earlier age generally have a higher cutability (lower yield grade). Therefore, one practical method of selecting for increased carcass merit is to select for rate of gain.
More exact methods of selecting for carcass merit can be used if carcass traits of related individuals or groups can be measured. Carcass weight per day of age, loin-eye area, fat thickness at the 12th rib, percentage of closely trimmed retail cuts, and leg-loin index all are used in measuring carcass merit in progeny groups.

Wool Traits. 
Here in Virginia, the value of the wool clip may be diminishing if you are not involved in the direct market business or have no value if you are raising hair based breeds.  However, producers should try to maximize the value of the wool they produce.
The traits for wool are the easiest to improve. Generally, wool traits are highly heritable and easy to measure. Traits that most directly influence the value of a fleece include fleece weight, fiber diameter, and length of staple. Weight of the fleece, particularly clean fleece weight, is usually the most valuable trait. Ordinarily, clean fleece weight is associated with grease fleece weight (actual weight of the fleece when shorn).
To increase flock wool production, select sheep that produce the most wool. Remember, however, of selecting entirely on pounds of wool produced because ewes that do not milk well or have singles rather than twin lambs and may not have a positive economic return. Milk production is negatively correlated with wool growth, particularly when feed is limited. If selection is placed entirely on pounds of wool, coarser fleeces may be selected inadvertantly.
Staple length has an important effect on the monetary value of a fleece. This trait is usually highly correlated with pounds of wool produced, and heavier fleeces typically have a longer staple length. Measure length of staple and fleece weight at shearing time, and select replacements based on a combination of these two economically important traits.
The grade of a fleece is also economically important. Fine-wool fleeces ordinarily bring higher prices per pound than do coarse-wool fleeces. The grade, or fiber diameter, of wool primarily depends on the breed of sheep and nutrition. When selecting replacements breeding stock remember that fleeces with a high degree of variation in grade are undesirable and have a lower monetary value.
Other fleece traits that can be given attention are color, softness of handle, uniformity of length and of fiber diameter, and freedom from other defects. Cull sheep with a lot of black fiber, hair, or kemp.
How to Select for Desirable Wool Traits
  • Record grease fleece weight and staple length of each fleece at shearing.
  • If possible, obtain clean fleece weight.
  • Rank fleeces according to weight of fiber produced and staple length.
  • If possible, rank sheep within a given grade of wool, within a given age classification, and within a group in which the number of lambs raised is known.
In summary, remember that since selection and management decisions will be made based on the performance records, the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of all records is essential to achieve improvement in the flock.  For more in information please contact cchilds@vt.edu or your local Virginia Cooperative Extension agent.

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